Sunday, March 1, 2015

Huxley Interview Essay

According to Aldous Huxley, we are indeed living in the Brave New World. The standard of living in third world countries has slowly been increasing thanks to technological advances, which is causing overpopulation. In Brave New World, they were able to synthetically create 96 humans where only one would have been biologically produced in nature, suggesting a high chance for overpopulation to take place. Another result of technological advances includes "overorganization", which is quite apparent and essential to this book that we are reading. Humans are able to be more efficient in every aspect of their lives because everything is assigned and organized so specifically. We have developed the television, which is as neurologically engaging as staring at a blank wall, and it distracts people too much, according to Huxley.. This could be suggesting that they are distracted from thinking outside of the box since all of the information is given to them without any effort on their part, much like the setting in Huxley's book. Aldous Huxley proclaims that technological devices are our enemies because of all the negative by-products associated with their consumption. He also stated that modern technology is misused since previous technology was neutral and could be used variably. All of these statements voiced by Huxley in his interview strongly suggest that we are in fact, living in the Brave New World as all of these real-life occurrences mirror what happens in his novel.

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